Initial questions:
1) Do CallHub volunteers have to sign new confidentiality agreements for each new phonebanking effort? Each year/election cycle? Or do they just need to be tagged once?
Answer from Heidi Burch:
Once a volunteer signs up for CallHub, they remain an "Active CallHub volunteer" for all future campaigns. They don't need to submit a new confidentiality agreement to work on future campaigns.
To get the "Active Callhub Volunteer" tag, you need to complete the signup, which include the CA. So yes, a search for that tag would find anyone who agreed to a CA.
YET: As regards the CA from the db admin/officer point of view, once someone signs and submits the confidentiality form (the one that goes on the wiki) they are covered till the end of time. BUT - people who click to indicate agreement with the CallHub form and then later become an admin, they do need to submit the signed form on the Wiki.2) Once I have a list of members tagged for Confidentiality Signed, I can create a list, and generate a printable PDF, but I can't figure out how to modify a theme to include their email addresses on the printout, since the existing public ones don't include email and I don't see an option if I create my own theme.