Dear  Chair and Vice Chair of DA (European Country),


The new European Regulation on data protection, the GDPR, is coming into effect at the end of May. This is a new privacy law that applies to the personal data/information for ALL European residents, regardless of nationality.  This means this new law affects DA. We have a short explanation of GDPR in the Wiki for your reference here.  


In order to remain in compliance with European law, a first step is to make some updates to how we identify and assign logins to the database.  In order to do this, we will need a complete and current list of the volunteers in your country who work in our membership database and/or send email blasts on behalf of your country committee.  


Each login will now be individualized and assigned to a specific person, and we will have limits on how many people in each country can access the country-wide and/or chapter-wide database.


We are sending you a link to the list of the people who are currently certified for database and emailing privileges.  Please edit this list as shown in the example at the top.  In addition, let us know:

1.     if anyone should not have or no longer needs privileges, and

2.     let us know if someone is missing from the list.


We have removed the global admins (for example, IT Team members).  The deadline for replying with this information is April 20.  If we don’t hear back from you, we will be unable to inform your database volunteers of the new login information.

Your List can be found here: XXXX

There can be no exceptions or extensions.





Julia Bryan, Gail Ann Fagen, Merrill Oates

DA Global Chair, DA Global IT Team Co-Chairs